Marketing Your Pharmacy to A New Generation of Patients
April 11, 2024
There’s a very high chance that your most loyal patients have been coming to your pharmacy for years. They are the lifeblood of your practice, but if you want to grow, it’s essential that you seek to reach more patients beyond your current base.
Reaching younger generations of patients, like Millenials and Gen Z, presents a huge upside for your business. These two generations, as of 2022, make up a little under 50% of the United States population and their spending power is starting to take off — making them ideal patients for your practice to acquire.
Getting in front of these potential patients will require that you get creative with your marketing and the services you offer. Let’s explore a few key ways you can market your pharmacy to a new generation of patients.
Offer Mobile and Virtual Checkout Options
Millennials and Gen Z were the first adopters of mobile commerce and it continues to make up a large portion of purchasing done by these age groups.
BOPUS (Buy Online Pick Up in Store) has taken the retail world by storm for shoppers of all ages. The pharmacies that can deliver the same easy experience to patients looking to get more done, faster than ever before will be the ones who win.
Luckily, there are online checkout solutions, like Nimble, that make it easy to adopt mobile refills, payment, and signatures at pharmacies. From there, these young patients will have the convenience to checkout and browse products 24/7 and then pick up their prescriptions at a time that’s easiest for them. For large mega-pharmacies this is standard, and younger patients will be expecting this experience from your pharmacy as well.
Expand Your Practice’s Presence on Social Media
There are over 124.9 million social media users just in Americans under 42. Polling young patients near you, you’d probably be hard-pressed to find ones that aren’t on social media.
So, when looking for more information about your pharmacy they’ll probably be using social media as a resource. It’s important to keep your profiles on Facebook, Instagram, and Google active, well-branded, and up-to-date. You don’t have to spend money to have a solid social media presence — it’s all about getting involved with other local profiles and engaging with your followers.
If you are looking to reach new patients who don’t currently follow you, investing small amounts in social advertising that targets your local region can be a great way to get more eyes on your pharmacy!
Make Visiting Your Pharmacy an Experience
Just as online commerce has forced retailers to up their game, telehealth will push pharmacies and healthcare providers to make coming in person ‘worth it’. Pharmacies especially need to consider ways to attract visitors given that it’s easy for patients to opt to simply get medications shipped.
With COVID-era allowances for pharmacies to perform more services being extended, it’s wise to consider offering consultations, vaccinations, and other health services that encourage younger and busier patients to stop in.
You can also make your pharmacy a true destination by installing package lockers, health monitoring technology, and other solutions that may attract patients to visit more often than every few months when they need to refill their prescriptions.
Even though the strategies we’ve covered in this article may be geared towards younger patients, they all ultimately are designed to create a better pharmacy experience for patients of all ages. If you’re curious about how online checkout and other digital solutions can help your pharmacy grow, schedule a time to chat with our team, today.