A pharmacy owner communicates on the phone with potential marketing collaborators while looking at a flyer.
Best practices

Creative Marketing Approaches for Pharmacy Owners

June 6, 2024

With competition from large national chains growing and the costs (and stressors) of running a pharmacy practice increasing, it’s time for pharmacy owners to get creative with how they market their locations.

Luckily for independent pharmacies, it’s easier than ever before to market to new patients through digital channels and through tried and true offline methods — it just requires a little bit of out-of-the-box thinking and a true understanding of your local community.

Keep reading to learn more about a few creative approaches you can take to properly market your pharmacy.

Creating a Unique, Authentic Brand

In order to reach more new patients, especially among young families and adolescents in your area, you need to establish a strong brand presence both on, and offline. Though patients of all ages engage with digital marketing, young Americans far surpass the average — internet users ages 16 to 64 spend an average of six hours, 40 minutes daily, or 47 hours a week surfing the web on any device. You can capitalize on the time potential patients spend online by investing in digital, geo-targeted ads on platforms like Meta and Google.

When these patients do end up landing on your website or social media, what impression are they left with? Is your information up to date? Is your logo clear? Do the images, colors, and copywriting across your brand profiles really communicate who you are as a practice? 

Take the time to think about what values your practice holds and what unique advantages your patients enjoy — and then translate that across visual and written media. When these qualities are clearly and effectively communicated throughout your website and various social media profiles, patients of all ages will have more affinity for your practice’s brand.

Investing in Promotion Across Community Forums

Your local patient base isn’t just online — and neither are you! Community pharmacy owners have the distinct advantage of understanding what the heart of the local community is, where they spend their time, and what matters to them. 

Consider taking your promotion offline and start advertising using flyers, banners, and posters at local places of worship, gyms, doctor’s offices, senior centers — or wherever you know your community gathers. You can take this one step further by hosting events to help the greater community and get the word out about your practice. Consider hosting medication disposal drives, vaccination clinics, and other community-focused events. 

Promote Your Practice Through Wellness Partnerships

Successful local businesses, and medical practices, thrive by establishing key partnerships that position them as influential in the community. 

Think about which business and practices mirror your values and goals — then explore partnerships with these folks that are mutually beneficial. Maybe a local personal trainer could refer their clients to you in exchange for coupons on vitamins and supplements, or you can establish a mutual referral program with local doctors. Ultimately, you’ll know what kind of partnerships make sense and will grow your practice.

While investing in marketing is a goal for most pharmacy practices, we know budget constraints often get in the way. At Nimble, we unlock new, lucrative opportunities for independent pharmacies to earn more money — and invest it back into their practices. If you’re curious to see exactly how we do that, reach out to our team today.

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