A mature female pharmacist uses a tablet and technology platform to streamline the medication shipping process.
Best practices

3 Small Changes for Maximum Pharmacy Efficiency

May 30, 2024

With the costs of running a practice rising along with patient expectations, it can be overwhelming to be an independent pharmacy owner today. You want to deliver value and exceptional service without cutting corners, but that can seem almost impossible to do while staying financially solid. 

Your best bet to increase your revenue and lower costs without sacrificing quality is to improve your practice’s efficiency. Optimization and efficiency aren’t just buzzwords for large corporations to throw around — they can be core values you run your pharmacy off of and they don’t always require immediate, huge changes to pull off either.

Keep reading to learn about 3 small changes you can make to your pharmacy practice to maximize efficiency.

Step One: Automate Your Day to Enhance Patient Experiences

There’s a good chance that the highlight of your day is interacting with and delivering care to your patients — and these interactions are crucial for setting your pharmacy apart from big retail competitors and improving patient outcomes.

Unfortunately, when you’re strapped for time these moments can get compromised or put on the back burner. If you can find ways to automate your day and certain repetitive tasks, then you can allocate more time to improve 1:1 patient relationships and invest in those moments. 

There are platforms, like Nimble, that are designed to automate the grunt work of messaging patients for transactional purposes, like refill reminders, order status, signature collection, and more so you spend less time calling and leaving voicemails and more time interacting with patients in person and building rapport. 

Step Two: Invest In Ergonomic and Accessible Work Environments 

If you’re working most of your day behind the pharmacy counter, there’s a high chance you and your employees don’t get a ton of movement in — and you’re most likely sitting or standing in one or two stations for the entire workday. Besides being uncomfortable, un-ergonomic workspaces can lead to health issues, missed worked days, a decrease in productivity, and reduced employee satisfaction.

On the flip side, research by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries shows that ergonomic workspaces have many benefits. This study has found ergonomic setups can:

  • Increase productivity by 25%
  • Reduce errors by 67% on average
  • Reduce lost workdays by 75%
  • Reduce worker’s compensation costs by 68%
  • Reduce employee absenteeism by 58%

Step Three: Foster Continued Education and Growth Opportunities

In today’s competitive healthcare landscape, it’s sink or swim. Continuous improvement and education are a must to keep on top of trends, learn new ways to optimize your practice and keep staff fulfilled and productive. 

Consider investing in individual staff member's continued learning and interests so they feel as though they have a true career path with your pharmacy — this can help reduce turnover and the associated costs of staff leaving. Chances are your employees will see improved productivity when they have a sense of purpose and fulfillment in their career at your practice. 

Education is also extremely important for you as a pharmacy owner. Make sure you continue to invest in your knowledge of the newest trends and technology to keep you competitive. 

If you’re interested in how Nimble can supercharge your practice and make your day-to-day much more efficient, reach out to our team, today.

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